Over 70309+ Foreign Businesses Established LLC in Shanghai

FDIFIRM Laws , Start an LLC (Limited Liability Company) ? Proposal Online

Establish an Limited Liability Company ( LLC ) is a business entity created under China Company Law that can protect Foreign Enterprises in China Market. LLCs are becoming the most popular way to start a business due to their ease and flexibility.

Over the past 12 years, Fdifirm are gotten pretty good at helping people launch their businesses.The easiest, most flexible way to launch your business, shield your personal assets from business liabilities.Help Clients Establish Enterprise, WFOE Incorporation and Incorporate a Business in Shanghai China.

Lifetime customer support, Fdifirm's customers from all over the world, Fdifirm take care of clients, Help you Setting up business entity, Business Registration,Accounting and Tax Service,HR, Employment permit,Legal Consulting,etc.FdiFirm committed to providing high-quality and individually-tailored services for each of our clients. Ultimately, FdiFirm would like to become your trusted business partner and help you grow your business in China.

Our attorneys continually maintain our documents to be up-to-date with the latest legal requirements in Shanghai China. FdiFirm has worked with a variety of clients that span across 45 countries, including Fortune 500 companies, by utilizing its 10 years of experience within the Chinese market,and successfully penetrate the Chinese market since its inception in 2004.